Thursday, December 13, 2012

Duck & Shine!!!

Carlos Almaguer, CEO
When TI leader Jamison Coy suggested I write my next blog on 28-year old Carlos Almaguer, I said, “Awesome! I call him!” Jamison told me Carlos had a pretty inspirational story to share. I didn’t have a clue it would be this good. Carlos is a firefighter and an entrepreneur. Carlos started his USANA business when he was just 23 years young! He was working as a EMS transport specialist 80 hours a week for two different companies. He still couldn't make ends meet! He was having to choose between whether to pay his water or electric bill. I jokingly said, "Carlos, you must have literally been starving!" He laughed and said, "yes, I was eating ramon and would call up my friends so I could go over to their house just to eat." USANA was a way that he could work flexible hours and get ahead! He got great tax breaks and was stepping little by little toward his ultimate goal, freedom! Freedom to do what he wants, with whom he wants, as much as he wants! During that time, he didn't make excuses; rather, he found SOLUTIONS! Hey, just with a possible extra $250 just in tax breaks is worth considering doing something different in my book! ;) 

 As a child, you never would have known all of the adversities he and his family were going through. He was raised by a single mom with 5 brothers and sisters~~~6 TOTAL! Carlos’ mom, Esperanza, left his father due to alcoholism and abuse. There were times where they actually had to hide because he would start looking for them. His mother, being the strong mom that she was, chose to take Carlos and his siblings(ranging from 8-years old to 2-years old) on the road. When I say “on the road”, I mean they were literally homeless for 6 months. Carlos was just around 4 years of age and thought that they were camping by sleeping in the back of his mom’s pick-up with his family! What a strong woman (kudos to you Esperanza for protecting your children)!!! 
Carlos with his "WHY", his mom Esperanza DonJuan

Carlos’ "WHY"? What drives him day in and day out to grow his business? His mom. His dream is to buy his mom a house (definitely makes perfect sense!). During the time that they slept in the back of their pick-up, his mom would have to search for safe places to park. Sometimes she would park in front of a house, but then the owners would come out and tell them to leave. She finally found a great spot (a cemetery on the East Side of San Antonio). They even had outdoor plumbing! Carlos remembers a tall pipe that rose from the ground. He thought it stood probably about 5’-6’ in height and the water came out like a shower. So this is where they would shower daily. It wasn’t until Carlos’ mom met a new man, who he considers his father figure. He was from Mexico and struggling himself. He had found an abandon house and took Carlos’ family in. They lived there for about 2 years before they moved to the NW side of San Antonio.
Carlos brinin' it!

Carlos grew up in the streets. He knew what it was like to duck a punch and throw a few too! He spent some time at a boxing gym to try to keep him out of trouble and started working (under the table) at 14 washing cars at a local car lot. There have been some mistakes along the way that he has learned and grown from! This is what really completely shocked me…

House & cars shot up!!!
It was a normal day. Carlos was at his mom’s house spending time with all of his brothers and sisters. His mom was there as well J They started to hear shouting! They heard it getting louder and louder. Then beating on the front door. [Now, over the last few years the neighborhood had taken a turn for the worst. Drug dealers and just bad people started to infiltrate!] Then GUN SHOTS! The family hit the floor. Carlos and his brother had everyone go to the kitchen, opened the refriderator door to protect them from the shots being fired into their home. Carlos ran to get his gun (which was locked & loaded!). He fired. He fired again. But nothing would happen. He was angry. He was trying to protect his most precious thing on earth, his familia. Carlos’ mom told him that it was God who was protecting him. She said, "mijo, God doesn't want your hands dirty."

For a long time Carlos had to deal with so many horrible side effects of that event. He was traumatized. He was now paranoid. Carlos would never take the same route going anywhere. He had a gun on his hip at all times. He had deep rooted anger. How did this young man beat these seeds of despair?

Jamison Coy and Carlos

Here comes the most amazing element in this story. His Team Illuminate brothers. He recalls Jamison telling him, “Carlos, put the gun down bro and put your faith in God.” So Carlos did just that. He put his faith in God and forgave. He still prays for these guys to this day. You know that he told me there were so many times that he wanted to go to where these guys lived and do something. But, I believe, God had way bigger plans for him. Plans to flourish him. Plans to propel him to greatness because of his forgiving and caring heart. Plans to give him the gift, one day, of buying his mom that house. Plans to prosper him. Plans to enlarge him.
Carlos literally Breaking Through!

Carlos chose to give his problems to the Lord. He knew that God was going to take care of him. God gave him peace. You know, that peace that surpasses ALL understanding that the Bible talks about!?!

Carlos and USANA founder Dr. Myron Wentz
You know what’s crazy? God just may have brought USANA into Carlos’ life to save his life. Through USANA, Team Illuminate has been created. But what is the essence of our team, our people and God who binds us. Our fellowship and belief. We build each other up as people, in our health, in our relationships, in our finances, and (most importantly) in our service to others. Carlos was able to find out something really cool. It was ok to change some daily habits to create a better life. It was ok to go to a different barber shop to avoid those guys. It was ok to lean on his brothers for support. It was ok to put out fires and avoid them J Remember~Carlos is a firefighter by profession and on his way to time freedom by helping others! It was in his heart of hearts that he found the support and comfort to change and build his new empowering beliefs to build a dynasty for his family and forgive. Thanks Hector Ramirez for taking the time to share USANA with Carlos at a local Gold’s Gym! You helped change his life bro!!! Thanks Jamison Coy for being a young, strong leader supporting both Hector and Carlos in all aspects of their lives! Jamison, you’re walking the walk bro!!!

Jamison Coy, Carlos Almaguer, and Hector Ramirez

CHEERS to you for taking time out of your day to read about an amazing up and coming entrepreneur and man of God, my friend, Carlos Almaguer!!!

Written by Gina Hunter