Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Healthy Hurricane ESI Hits Corpus Christi, Texas

Edward Picha & Linda Watson, ESI & T.I.  Leaders

Have you ever wondered how Corpus Christi, Texas has become such a hotbed of USANA activity?  Well, wonder no longer!  The answer is Edward Picha and Linda Watson and their team: Elite Synergy International (ESI).  Over the past two years, they have transformed their lives by merging together along this wonderful journey. What an amazing couple. Full of Life! Full of Hope! Full of ESI synergy!!!

Edward, an architect, was presented with the USANA opportunity when he was in college; he loved everything about it, but money was scarce.  Being a great friend, Justin Hearn stayed persistent with him and when Edward finished college, he started his business.  Initially, he didn’t really know what he was doing. He said it was hard to figure out how to do things because he was alone and lost down in Corpus.  He took the product religiously and loved it, but he wasn’t quite sure how to share it.  Fortunately, Justin called to invite him to International Convention.  At the time, he looked at it as merely an opportunity to get out of town and have fun for a week; he had no idea what he was getting into!  He admitted, “It didn’t really click for me; I didn’t know what I had until I went to International Convention.”  Attending convention is what “opened [his] eyes.  It really showed me what was possible: health wise—hearing the testimonials, and wealth wise—with successful people from all different backgrounds.  That was the kickstart!”  They saw NEX (A Gen Y team out of California) and some other prominent teams, and understood that they wanted to create their own team and be a part of something bigger than themselves.  After convention, Justin started making regular trips to Corpus, and they started presenting and growing.  Edward enrolled eight people within four weeks after convention.  He also started to gain his USANA independence…

Linda Watson &  Ryan Graves (son)

Right before convention, Edward met Linda through a friend from the gym.  Linda was curious about what Edward was doing, and she began asking questions. So, once he got back, he asked her out!  He said they were going to go out to eat, but he had to do a presentation first.  She sat in the background and listened.  Being in the financial world, the numbers struck a chord in her.  She knew that she needed to make a change.  She was 30 years old, a single mom, and still living paycheck to paycheck.  Being in investment services, she knew those retirement numbers were legitimate.  She had to do SOMETHING in order to start building wealth to be able to retire at a certain age.  She had tried another direct sales company but in a year, never made any money.  Being open-minded to the industry, she thought, “Why not give this a shot?!?”  She wanted to lose a little weight, so this was a perfect opportunity.  She acknowledges that, “Dropping this amount of money being a single mom was a scary proposition.”  However, she was determined that this “leap of faith” would pay her back!  She began using all of her products and “jumped in with both feet.”  She was used to making presentations, so that part didn’t scare her.  She feels that this immersion along with her “Where there’s a will, there’s a way!”    attitude propelled her forward.  She felt like she could be just as successful as anyone else because she is duplicatible and teachable. 

ESI at USANA's 2012 International Convention

One important factor for both Edward and Linda is that they felt like they were in good hands, with good company.  They recognized that they weren’t in this alone.  They had a good support system/upline coming down and training them.  They went to Super Saturdays, making it a priority.  That was validation—meeting others who had gone before them and proven the path to success.  By listening to the stories and being able to relate to different people, they put those anecdotes in their own arsenal.  “Plugging into events was very important to us and a huge part of how we have been able to duplicate what SA was doing!”  Armed with that knowledge and confidence, their leaders were teaching others to be leaders in their own businesses.

Team Illuminate

Edward and Linda loved the Team Illuminate vibe and wondered what they could do to create that buzz.  Soon, they started doing hotel events every other month to get people around a larger group.  They were gaining even more exposure and having diverse guest speakers available, including a two-star diamond director!  Linda sums it up well: “It warms our hearts to know that we are bringing so many people solutions, whether it is health or financial.  This is what we want as our full time in the near future!  We know we aren’t going anywhere, so we will be able to be there to support them for the long haul!” 

ESI Competing!!!

One innovative aspect of their business is their Weight Loss Challenge that is based off of the 21-Day Trim Down.  To be eligible to participate, you must order enough products to carry you through four weeks—minimum one shake a day and the essentials.  They wanted to make it affordable because their goal is to raise awareness of the products.  They do the trim-down presentation and educate guests; this really gets the buzz going.  The winner is announced at an event four weeks later.  Participants are encouraged to bring friends and family to find out who won.  During the Health and Freedom presentation, the winners are celebrated and come up and give a testimonial. 

Keeping their Sexy Fresh with Sense

While business is obviously important, they both agree that, “It’s also about the fun factor; we all like to get together every chance we get.”  They BBQ, have dinners, and do different team building events (5Ks, etc.) where they put their ESI logo out there to brand themselves and take ownership.  This summer, they had an Olympics party with team building challenges in the backyard.  Gold, Silver, Bronze “medals” were awarded with USANA products as the prizes.  They stress that they are real people who like to have fun too!  It’s not ALL business.  They fellowship every chance they get!  They also like to support each other in outside endeavors. Next stop, a roller derby competition to support a new ESI teammate!  They join forces to raise exposure. 

To conclude, I’d like to share with you their closing chant.  Say it with me:

What are we?  ELITE!
What do we have?  SYNERGY!
Who are we?!?  ESI!
Who are we?!?  ESI!
 ESI!  ESI!!  ESI!!!

Making a Difference, Edward Picha & Linda Watson
ESI is team based in Corpus Christi, Texas and is proud part of our larger Team Illuminate.

Written by D'Layne Kelly
Edited by Gina Hunter

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Illuminate lights up USANA and puts T.I. “on the map”!

Team Illuminate Celebrating Emerald’s Brian & Jaclyn Bohlke!
Where did it start? Well, it’s been in the making for years. But in August, it came to fruition. You could feel an underlying rumble of greatness. Our team was in SLC, Utah at USANA’s International Convention when we could feel it was coming (you’ll find out the “it” later). Now, never mind the fact that we were hearing from the greats like John C. Maxwell, Dr. Oz, Dr. Libby Weaver, Darren Hardy, Dr. Dennis Waitley, Dr. Myron Wentz, ok, you get the picture! We were all getting fired up, electrified, our oil refilled!!! So when we would return, we could and would SHINE brighter than ever before. Now to tell this story, it’s critical to share the large picture; however, I need for you to understand that the big picture was made up of 100’s of small pictures that are the fabric that created this big picture. Kinda like one of those pictures that when you get a microscope is made of tiny pictures, aka a photo mosaic. So picture all of the members of Illuminate in itsy-bitsy, tiny action photos making up this take-your-breath-away picture.
 Picture a glorious light radiating from above. A young man with his arms out-stretched upward receiving this light. An angel high, in the sky, looking down with a comforting smile on his face and his hands opened up extending to the young man’s below. Coming out of his hands are love, comfort, peace, goodness, blessings, and so much more. They are intermingled with the rays of the light and fill the young man’s heart with all the angel is bestowing on him.

Brian Bohlke

     So what is this “big picture”? What does this picture really represent? Brian Bohlke is a young leader who has come of age. He’s grown. He's thought. He's served. He's planned. He’s struggled. He’s hurt. He's envisioned. He’s blessed. He’s taught. He’s stood in belief. He’s cared. He’s cried. He’s loved. He’s shared. He is our leader, ordained by God, to lead Illuminate on our path to rid this world of pain and suffering and to provide solutions and truths for people to stand on. He stands with his Illuminate family. Our leaders are woven together. We support our mission to walk this walk together in the strength of our passion for sharing and growing in truth. For years Brian has taught us what time-leveraged income is and how to create it for ourselves and those we support. What none of us knew, that it was in Brian’s darkest moment, His light would shine and it would be PROVEN to be a truth to stand on.
     In our businesses, in order to advance in rank, one must accomplish certain levels of success for established periods of time. Ok, so what’s this mean? Remember when I said earlier that there was a rumbling happening in SLC? Well, that week Brian spoke that he would advance to Emerald Director. Week 1 was DONE at Convention! The momentum was pumping hard, Week 2 DONE! We were all excited for him and working to help him accomplish this goal! He needed 2 more weeks of maxing 4 business centers to advance to Emerald Director!  It was August 27th , Brian was in his 3rd week and day 3 of his rank advancement “run”. He received a call that his dad, a leader of Team Illuminate, hadn’t returned home. Later, the devastating news came that his father, Bill Bohlke, had been taken home to be with our Lord.
Hollywood Park Fire Department honors Mayor Bill Bohlke

Although Brian knew is his heart that his dad was where he would sing with angels, it was still his dad and he was heart-broken. Our family, Team Illuminate, was heart-broken too. To have such an amazing man and guiding leader with his wisdom and integrity leave us, what a loss. We couldn’t have a hug anymore. We couldn’t see his HUGE, illuminating smile. When he was in a room, he permeated warmth. He taught us in order to be right, we have to do right. Bill was not only a valued leader of Illuminate, but also a passionate family man, veteran, and Mayor of Hollywood Park, Texas. He flew countless missions as part of our Air Force risking his life for our country and freedom. There’s absolutely no way for me to do him justice, in who he was and for what he stood. So, please close your eyes, envision the most amazing man to you, that’s him! He’s our Illuminated Angel still protecting, guiding, and always a part of us.

Chris Harl and Brain Bohlke

     What happened later that night created the template for that larger picture and was defined by a decision and commitment made by Brian’s best friend and Illuminate co-founder, Chris Harl. Chris decided that he would take over Brian’s Emerald run and make it happen. He coordinated all of our leadership. He planned it every step of the way! He claimed the victory! Week 3 was DONE! Week 4 was DONE! Brian and his wife Jaclyn advance to Emerald! 
     Now to the tiny little pictures, when all put together, created that larger picture of the young man basking in the warmth of the light and the angel. There are 100’s of stories and acts of greatness that constructed this magnificent picture. It was during those last 2 weeks of the run where it happened, God took what could have been a bitter taste and He added another ingredient that turned the bitter into sweet. Those last two weeks, Brian’s priorities were right and where they should have been, his family. This was the instance where “time-leverage” came into a visible truth through actions. A pure testimony of what it really, really looks like. Our Team Illuminate worked away. Story after story, picture after picture of people committed to make this happen! We all claimed it and OWNED it! But it was a meek, servant leader named Chris Harl, and because of his love and commitment to his brother, it happened. So many stories. So many names. I won’t even attempt to share those now, but will later. All of these stories make up that mosaic picture of that young man, arms out-stretched toward the light, receiving all of the love, the greatness, the goodness, the blessings, and the warmth that not only his Heavenly Father, but also his earthly father, now his Angel, was bestowing on him. Congratulations to Brian and Jaclyn Bohlke and ALL of Team Illuminate for working together in ILLUMINATING fashion.  
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
Brian and Bill Bohlke

 Written to honor the lives of Brian and Bill Bohlke, The Bohlke Family, and all of The Team Illuminate Family across the globe.
by Gina Hunter

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Illuminating Why? My 2 Boys.

So when D'Layne Kelly decided to join forces with Team Illuminate, she already had an illuminating source. Her two boys, Devin and Brett. You guessed it! D'Layne is a HUGE Brett Favre fan, lucky #2 Brett the son's namesake. When D'Layne was invited almost 3 years ago to look at USANA, she left early! Where did she rush off to, her 2 biggest fans of course~her 2 boys. So why, 2 years later, did she choose to illuminate her mind? To lose weight and tax advantages period. Now, let's face it, a teaching and coaching career is very rewarding in impacting the lives of children but not a big "cha-ching" in the bank account! Now, teachers retire and are back the next year subbing or working a part-time j-o-b. D'Layne's natural phrase that rolls off the tongue, "what up" seems kinda fitting. This vivacious chick is the type that when asked to close her eyes, feel a cool breeze, and tell me where she is, the answer:  Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque from Sandia Peak! NICE!!! So let's peel her away a bit more. I asked her if she could change one thing about the world to make it a better place, what would you change? D'Layne's response, "hatred and judgment". Wow, pretty enlightening from a 37-year-old from Wabash, Indiana. I agree wholeheartedly. So, if you could see a typical day of a real ethical, go-getter, what would it look like. Well, I asked. And I'm tired just listening, smile. Here's the play-by-play (she's a coach what did you expect??)
We woke up and went to a 9:00am t-ball game. Afterwards, we went to eat breakfast tacos. Then, we went to Target and purchased clothes for the boy's pictures and presents for a birthday party. Then, we ran home to get Devin's cleats and shin guards. Immediately following, we went to Devin's noon soccer game. After his game, we came home to change out of uniforms and get dressed for a birthday party and eat lunch. Then, we drove across town to an AMAZING birthday party! That lasted from 3:00-5:00pm. At that point, I dropped off the kids with the ex to go home and get ready for a Halloween party. Once I was dressed, I got on FB and messaged with a few people about USANA. I also called two people I had been talking to about potentially joining USANA. Around 7:30pm I got picked up to go to the party. Once I got there, I had a blast!!! I was dropped off at home around 1:30am.
Now that's what I call a busy day! When I asked her who she would love to spend a day with??? Drum roll please...with our fearless leaders, Brian and Jaclyn Bohlke "because I just adore them," she says.  Now take a sec, look at D'Layne's pic. What attributes do you see? Her greatest strength is her credibility which is rooted in integrity. She doesn't cut corners. She's the person who you can trust. I believe that's why the tag line USANA has "Nutritionals You Can Trust" is a perfect fit with D'Layne. She builds her USANA business to build her dreams. The dreams she has for her boys (nice that her business is a willable asset!) I'm gonna call it. D'Layne is a lifer. I asked her how long she planned to stick it out. Her response, "Forever, why wouldn't I?" I believe in her. Team Illuminate is brighter because of what she brings to our luminous light! Want to learn more about D'Layne or ask her questions? Post a comment. We are all about illuminating minds!